Sunday, July 7, 2013

2 Coconut Water Hydrators

Since my last post, I've relocated to a new house, and in fact, the move inspired the following two variations on coconut water-based hydrators. Because when you're moving, you sweat. And when you're moving in Texas in July, beer and pizza ain't cuttin it.

Blueberry Secret Weapon (vegan, raw) 

Makes a pint 
1 Cup Coconut water 
1 Cup filtered water (or, ya know, tap’s cool) 
Pinch of salt 
Drop or 2 agave nectar 
handful of frozen blueberries 
Put everything in a water bottle (mine’s about 16 oz) and shake shake shake. It’s ready! Added bonus to this hydrator: blueberry treat at the end.

I first tried this little number with my second attempt at yoga sculpt (yoga + weights, for the sadistically inclined). The last time I had taken this class, it killed. So for the second run, I brought my Blueberry Secret Weapon. It didn’t help me survive the class any better, but I did notice I felt a little more lively afterward. So we can say that it worked! I had another one of these fellers after running some errands, with a peach sliced into it and strained. Yurm.

Not a berry fan? Have a go at...

Summer in a Glass (vegan, raw)
Makes about 2 pints

1 Cup Coconut water
1 Cup filtered water (tap’s still cool) 
1 Cup fresh watermelon, chopped up a little 
1 Cup cucumber, chopped up a little 
Optional: Couple leaves of fresh spearmint 
What is that, a halo over the glass?
Blend all ingredients together. I strained the mixture, so it was more juice than smoothie, but there's no shame in keeping the pulp. Everything I used had been refrigerated, except for the mint. If more than one or two ingredients had been at room temp, I'd have added a couple ice cubes before blending.

My fella and I shared this concoction during some major unpacking (and... after a late night of frivolity). It hit the spot!

For more totally delicious coconut-water based hydrators, plus a little insight into the nutritional science behind them, head over to Thrive Forward's Sport section. Thrive Forward is like youtube + wikipedia + allrecipes for a plant-based clean living lifestyle. It overflows with info and goodness.

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